Bovey Tracey Primary School

Maths Calculation Policy

Maths Calculation Policy 2021/22


We have used the calculation policy guidance produced by White Rose to represent the use of teaching for mastery. It is a guideline for teachers when using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.


We are currently looking to develop the calculation policy further as we progress in our teaching for mastery journey.

We have also used the "Mathematics guidance: key stages 1 and 2 Non-statutory guidance for the national curriculum in England" document as guidance in our return to school post-COVID lockdown.

Maths Calculation Policy 2022-2023


As a school, we are now in a position to move on from our recovery curriculum in maths.


We have adopted the Power Maths policies. These ensure representations in maths are used consistently across the school which is a vital strand of teaching for mastery.


