Bovey Tracey Primary School

Black History Month

Black History Month is a time set aside each year to celebrate the achievements of black men and women in the past and today. Here at Bovey Tracey Primary School, each class has been celebrating black history month through inspirational stories that explore the lives of black men and women, who have impacted UK laws and equal rights. 




In Hawkmoor we have been learning about what Black History Month is and why it exists. We all agreed that it is really important to celebrate how times have changed for black men and women and we were excited to learn about some influential black people.

In class, we learnt about Claudia Jones and Martin Luther King. We then drew portraits of them so that we can have their faces in our classroom to remind us of what they did. We thoroughly enjoyed drawing our portraits and we had to think carefully about how to get the dimensions for their heads and facial features accurate. 

Hawkmoor's portraits

In Pullabrook, we looked at Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. We looked at what they believed in and the impact they had.


In our PSHE sessions we have been looking at Black History Month and why it exists.  We have linked it in with the Black Lives Matter movement and have learnt some black history through our topic.


Our topic has taken us on a journey with the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower.  We have looked in detail at the Wampanoag Tribe who were already living in Plymouth (formerly Patuxet) when the Pilgrims arrived.  We have discovered how they helped the Pilgrim's to settle there and celebrated the first Thanksgiving with each other harmoniously.  Sadly, later on, the battles between the two began.


Have a look at our Wampum belts which were traditionally worn by the tribes.  We designed and made our own version and looked into why they were worn by the Wampanoags.


A selection of Ullacombe's Wampum belts
