Bovey Tracey Primary School

Phase Events

Easter Experience


Today all the children in Phase 1 got to experience a variety of fun activities organised by the Baptist Church!!We watched a short video about the Easter story then made out of Lego the Last Supper image or the garden that Jesus prayed in before he got taken away by the soldiers.


We also made a donkey with pegs, paper and fluffy fur to stick on. We decorated biscuits to represent the tomb that Jesus died in and helped make the large cross colourful using ribbons. The children had a lovely time and learnt lots about the Christian Easter Story. A big thanks to Abi Evans and her team from the Baptist Church!!

On Tuesday 3rd March the Year 1s took part in a dance festival at Blackpool School. They have worked hard at producing a contemporary style dance based on the theme of Antarctica and through dance showed the different ways animals move, play and hunt in their daily life. They all had a fabulous time and even had the chance to make up a dance with all the other schools.

Lights Camel Action definately got a 10 out of 10 from us. Fab-u-lous!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Lantern Walk this evening. It was lovely to see the lanterns glowing in the dusk and for the children to be able to share and celebrate their achievements.

Join us for Lunch! The reception children loved having members of their families and their Y6 Buddies join them for lunch last week.

Phase Music - We have been working on keeping a steady beat in music. Today we got the instruments out for a small orchestra! It's hard to remember to tap the beat and not the rhythm of the music.

Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us for our phase share this afternoon. The children enjoyed singing their Harvest songs to you and then spending time discussing and creating family trees together.

Author Visit

The author Grant Koper who wrote 'The Day Granny's Knickers Blew Away' came into our school last week. He read them his story and then answered questions from the children who were very interested in how you write books and what steps it takes. The children loved listening to him and asked lots of questions which may inspire them to write their own stories!!

On Tuesday Phase 1 went to the Aquarium in Plymouth where we had the opportunity to see lots of dfferent sea creatures and find out about habitats, enivornmental issues, and other interesting facts.

Phase 1 Easter Cafe was a tremendous success. The children were superb waiters, waitresses, photographers and servers as well as cooking up a delicious range of treats to share. We would like to say a huge thank you to our local Tesco store for their very kind donation towards ingredients. Another thank to you all for coming and also for your generous donations.

Christmas Jumper Day - More photos to follow! Not only did everyone look fabulous and jolly in their Christmas jumpers, we also raised money for 'Save The Children'.

Children had a baaa-rilliant time performing 'Hey Ewe'. Fabulous singing, dancing and acting, putting everyone in the festive mood.

Phase One Sharing Afternoon

Information on reading presented at our phase share on 16th October.
