Bovey Tracey Primary School

Anti-bullying Week


This year, the theme for anti-bullying week was #REACH OUT. Here are a selection of things we did to recognise this...

Yarner Class

Kennick Class

November 2021

Brimley Class agree that we are all different and unique and that's what makes us wonderful. We thought of kind words to say if we find someone sad or lonely.

Langaller's Odd Socks

November 2020

Phase 3


In Hawkmoor, we used the PowerPoint presentation at the top of this page, to remind ourselves about bullying. 

We didn't realise that for being mean to be bullying that the bully had to do it lots of times. We talked about something being repetitive and what this means. 

We believe that we must stand united against bullying in order to make change!

We know that we must:

  • Work together.
  • Tell an adult if we see someone being mean or if someone is mean to us.
  • Help each other. 


Hawkmoor are united against bullying! 


We all really enjoyed wearing our odd socks to school during Anti-bullying week. 

Yarner Class

Kennick Class

Brimley really enjoyed wearing odd socks too and sharing stories about being kind to all our friends.

Anti-bullying information leaflet

Link to location of Anti-bullying policy (currently under review)