Each day there will be an activity for each of the following subjects:
- Maths task (1hr)
- English task (1hr)
- Topic/RE/SMSC task (1 and a half hrs)
- Reading (20 mins)
These are available through Seesaw or on our website.
Should you need to find work set before the current week please visit our previous lessons section as we are saving all lessons here. https://www.bovey-tracey-primary.devon.sch.uk/previous-lessons/
In addition to this we would encourage you to read for 15 minutes each day. You can also continue to use TT Rockstars, Prodigy and MyMaths at home. Can we please remind you that once Prodigy is used at home, it will encourage children to ask parents to buy items. There is absolutely no need to do this, the children can continue to play the game and answer the questions without making any purchases.
Phase Word Wall Follow this website https://padlet.com/Phase2classes/lu6qcq48hnlxb6tl
Take a look at other people's new words too - are there some words you can use and share?
Times Tables Rock Stars: Don’t forget to make sure you regularly complete studios. The system measures your overall speed on all the times tables and determines your rock status. Pretend you are in a recording studio, this is where we want TT Rock Stars to record their best performances!
AR: Well done to those of you who have already been quizzing books. There will be an announcement on Seesaw on Friday to let you know which class is in the lead with quizzes!
During term-time school closure, a member of the Phase 2 team will be available on the Phase 2 email during the school day to answer any queries that parents may have regarding work set for the Phase 2 children.