Governors represent the largest group of voluntary workers in the country and exist to promote the interests of the school and its children. Although each governing body will reflect the needs of their individual school, the governors have 3 main roles within the school community:
1. To provide a strategic view: Governors help to decide the ways to improve the school so that children learn effectively and achieve the highest possible standards.
2. To act as a critical friend: Governors also have a supportive role and through their expertise and knowledge take responsibility for monitoring the school’s effectiveness by asking questions and seeking to make improvements.
3. To ensure accountability: The governing body is responsible for ensuring quality education and has a duty to discuss and question proposals that affect this.
Joint Management Committee
Joint Chair of the Governors - Ali Bright and Dan Thorogood
JMC Administrator - Sue Watson
The Chair or Clerk to the Governors can be contacted at the school by phoning 01626 833257 or emailing
If there are any matters regarding the school which you wish to discuss, any of the governors will be happy to talk them over with you.
We meet each month as a full governing board. Every member has a key area of responsibility (covering finance, personnel, premises and health & safety, curriculum, inclusion/SEND, school improvement, community and parent links) with Terms of Reference for each as appropriate. Each meeting is managed by Co-Chairs, and a vice chair attending all meetings.